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ReMember Why You Are Here - I Have Only Sent You Angels!
Help For all! There come times in planetary evolutionary cycles, where "log-jams" occur and have to be dealt with. This "log-jams" is a metaphor for souls who refuse to decide upon their Soul Polarization. To help move things along, CATALYST has to be applied, otherwise large sections of higher planetary civilizations are/can be restricted in their evolutionary path and become embroiled within the time/space. For those who believe in Higher Dimensional Ascension then it is a short walk to freedom. For those who know then it is effortless. For the rest it is a matter of soul polarisation, time, effort, chance and hope and the rate at which you can absorb catalyst. The Guardian Alliance is a multi-dimensional egregor of beings, some incarnate most not, stretching from Harmonic Universe 1 (HU1) through HU 5 and beyond, who have the mandate to help, protect and attend to all those beings and creatures on this planet at this time/space nexus who request aid and succour. If you feel you need to be helped then the first step is to ASK. The second step is taken by The Council of Solace. (More information soon.) There will be a Registration Portal for Assenting to The G2O2P3 Treaty created soon for you to communicate your commitment through.
Help For all! This is a sure sign that things and institutions will NOT endure much longer. But how long is a piece of string? All we know is that events are soon to unravel in order to point many towards the path of truth, but truth also suggests untruth, despotism and darkness.
Help For all! The Universe is a big place - staggeringly big, so it is often the cause of paranoia and a healthy sense of schizophrenia is often required in order to function. You may like to know more about the Political ET coalitions and Friend v Foe situations which are ever present on this planet.
Help For all! The G2O2P3 Treaty has been arranged in order to allow you to break free from the control mind-set which renders you obsolete within the Sonship. The Guardians have messengers down here and the Message which has been communicated is, "Enough is now enough!" People need to be allowed to act with "informed consent" and the First Phase therefore requires INFORMATION TO BE DELIVERED TO THEM. Welcome! You are NOT alone.
Help For all! Many people are of the belief that Karma has to be expiated over time. As the Ego cannot comprehend time, and in fact it cannot comprehend anything at all, so listening to it is anything but sound. In truth there exists a doorway through which you can walk into The Corridor of Atonement. Forgiveness is the key and as long as you can understand that you are trapped within a very unfortunate dreamscape, then you can allow yourself, and your brother to Walk to Freedom together.
Help For all! We must realize that we do NOT have to think the way we thought before. Everything is change and the Monsters and Demons of the world cannot harm you UNLESS you allow them to. Nothing can harm you other than your own Mind. Once you experience this realization, then you will drop this world like you would a heavy rucksack after a long walk on a hot day. Let's walk Home together. Protection under the treaty just requires your acceptance and that comes after you have read it , understood it, consented to it and then autographed it. The old ways are gone - they served their purpose. Everything you have done, or think you have done is FORGIVEN! You overlook a world which does not exist and forgive that which never happened! But what about the old ways... "WE DON'T HAVE TO THINK LIKE THAT ANYMORE."
The G2O2P3 Treaty Agreement 2019 – Offered
The G2O2P3 Treaty is a protective discourse offered by The Council of Worlds in this Galactic Region to the current planetary populations under threats of attack and dwelling in the time space continuum referred to a Urth/Earth D – 3 frequency fields
The Council of Worlds
The Council of Worlds is a loosely derived collective of well intentioned, harmless and helpful beings (Extra Biological Entities as well as light beings and beings that are even beyond that operating as a consciousness or gestalt od Social Memory Complex) seeking to assure the inhabitants of juvenile and infant worlds of protection from the incursions of more sophisticated, predatory and technologically developed species who seek to pervert, derail, interfere or totally dominate and adversely affect the social, spiritual and moral evolution of indigenously seeded lifeforms Inhabitants) in their “Gardens of Eden”.
This treaty can only be offered if sufficient entities have made a meaningful call or invocation to have “something” intervene to help them. This is commonly referred to by the Council as “The Call”.
The call operates on the Universal Law of The Square. The percentage on the planet making The Call much reach a threshold before intervention can take place on a grand scale but on a smaller personalised scale help is ever at hand and available.
The Law of the Square functions to place positive skew on the numbers calling.
An example: If just 10 people make a call for intervention the number equates to approximately 1,012 calls. 10 squared with an additional group conscious generated effect. In this world therefore 1 and 1 are not 2.
The Call accelerates and ensures that at certain points in time which have been designated as “tipping points or Alpha or Omega points”[ i.e. “when catalyst is applied to help undecided souls make a choice between “Service to Self or Service to Other” polarisation for continued development], that the rogue and more aggressive ET factions [who perceive humankind as a virus species to be prevented from escaping the laboratory of Earth], within the sector are prevented from total domination and achieving covert control of planetary populations before this polarisation can be achieved.
The Law allows a faster and more assured response time than conventionally imagined.
World’s come into being and lapse from the creative framework naturally and continually, however the Grand Scheme call for continuous growth, evolution and development of the Universe and the Omni-versal Plan for the “Sublimation of the Divine FACE”. This face is what many of you would refer to the face of Good or God.
In essence it is each and everyone of you, us and them…
Ultimately the curtain will fall on the stage, the actors will bow, the audience applaud and the players all exit Stage left to become One with Oneness.
However, the Oneness is in eternity and not in time and time can at times see endless, unfair, immovable and unending.
In the Greater Scheme of things the plans are made, timetables set and planets, peoples and all life either evolves or devolves – that is everything’s choice and is inviolate – being the First Law of the Universe, “Allow each soul to walk its own path!”
As there is no standing still on a tight rope to this end, as mentioned previously CATALYST at times needs to be applied to bring parties to a conclusion, and force the evolutionary process somewhat.
You are now at such a “Tipping Point” and being covertly manipulated by malevolent ET and EBE forces whom mean you harm.
Their Plan
To steal your planet to which you owe everything, from under your very feet without you ever suspecting it to be so by using guile, trickery, deception, diversion, AI and sophisticated time space travel and manipulation of your reality fields which are nothing but frequency fields, to effect this end.
To steal your Soul energy and disconnect you from Source and from your Soul Matrix in effect cutting you off from the planetary grid and its morphogenetic field, preventing you from attaining any further form of spiritual development or evolution: in short creating a phantom virtual reality for you in which your “mind, emotions and social scene” has been holographically uploaded into a Cloud of VR in which you “calmly reside”.
Speciality is their Key
How it works:
“They” visit
“They” approach
“They” lure
“They” promise
“They” raise up
“They” reveal
“They” coerce
“They” create an Elite or Chosen People
“They” use the Elites to deliver the populations up into their hands and provide whatever is required to get the “job done!”
“They” use the Elites to control their own and always The Game is played out the same – so, if you’ve seen it once you’ve seen it forever!
Always the same maybe, but this does not prevent the same pattern. It is analogous to the young man who becomes middle aged and then old who continuously uses the magic trick he learned when he was in his teens to deceive the small child at the Christmas or birthday party – the Buddhist would call it “Deceiving a child with and empty fist” or with the “coin behind the ear” – it just never fails to amuse or work!
The Solution
If it were not for the continuous intervention of Higher Dimensional Beings (HDB) and the Gestalt energy beings from HU5 and above your species upon this planet would have disappeared millenia ago. You have lots to be grateful for – we do not ask for adoration as this is misplaced between equals but a modicum of gratitude is well deserved by your Brothers and Sisters of the Higher Dimensions.
These beings are here to help you now – the time for prevarication is finished.
You need to become adults fast and leave your childish play pen and toys behind.
It is time for you to wake up and save yourselves from what would appear inevitability.
The Guardian Alliance will help anyone who asks but we will not help those who will not help themselves – why would we? How could we without violating the First Universal Law – “Allow each soul to walk its own path!”
The Call
To this end The Call is requested as a small indication genuinely made from the heart of the recognition that you cannot help yourself and that The Atonement Principle and hence Great Spirit can intervene, try to assist and help you.
The Divine Plan continues
The Outcome is Inevitable
The Result assured
The only thing missing is you.
The Purpose of the Call is to continually remind the Players in the Game that no matter how fool-proof they think their plans to be we can always assure them that they are most certainly NOT God Proof!
We leave you now in the Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator
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There is only one question ever relevant in a judicial process, whether criminal or creditor based and that is: "Has this "person" proved himself to be alive?"